I am a CPHR

The CPHR designation represents a commitment to a national standard of excellence and sets a benchmark for the practice of effective human resources. It emphasizes the strategic role of HR management in business and plays an important role in securing HR’s position as an equal business partner at the executive table. Learn about the benefits of becoming a CPHR.

Maintaining your CPHR designation

There are three steps you must adhere to in order to maintain the CPHR designation:

  • Be a member in good standing with CPHR BC & Yukon, including up-to-date professional membership dues.
  • Report CPD hours annually, based on the calendar year. See section below for details on the CPD standard. 
  • Adhere to the professional code of ethics.

**NEW – CPHR Canada has introduced a mandatory free ethics requirement that all CPHR members must follow as part of their CPD curriculum over a three-year period starting in 2021- 2023. View the FAQs for more information.

The Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) Canada, which governs the CPHR designation nationally, requires that you demonstrate continued mastery of the profession by maintaining an active membership in your HR association and through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) once you gain your CPHR Designation.

FAQs on CPD hours

CPHR BC & Yukon’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Standard states that holders of the Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a member in good standing with CPHR BC & Yukon, including up-to-date member and CPHR dues.
  • Annually report CPD hours based on the calendar year.

As per the CPD standard, a National Recertification Log is no longer required. The new reporting process is simple, paperless, and only requires an online filing once per calendar year.

The new CPD standard is intended to give public assurance of the rigour and merit of the CPHR designation while also simplifying the CPD process for members.

CPHR BC & Yukon’s CPD Standard requires a minimum of 10 hours of professional development hours each year with a rolling three-year total of 60 hours.

After the initial term of 2021 – 2023, the three-year term will roll forward each year commencing in 2024, so that in 2024 the three-year term will cover 2022 – 2024 and in 2025 the term will cover 2023 – 2025.

All CPHR holders now report their CPD hours annually on a calendar-based year. CPD hours for each calendar year must be submitted by January 31st of the following year.

Please note: New CPHR holders do not have to report CPD hours the year they become certified.

Members are exempt from reporting CPD hours for the calendar year in which they are granted the CPHR designation. For example, a member granted the CPHR in April of 2021 would not need to report CPD hours for 2021. The first time that member is required to report their total CPD hours would for the 2022 calendar year.

To report your CPD hours:

  • Login to your cphrbc.ca member profile.
  • Select “My CPD Hours”
  • Under “Annual CPD Hours Totals” clock edit.
  • Enter total CPD hours.
  • Select the year from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter today’s date.
  • Click “Save”

You are no longer required to send in a log. The CPD hours you report are taken at face value and supporting documentation is only required if you are selected for an audit.

CPHR members will be subject to an audit each year. If selected, the CPHR member will need to provide proof of the CPD hours they reported for that year.

Yes. Within a three-year period, CPD activities must link to a minimum of three of the 14 functional and enabling competencies of the CPHR Competency Framework. For information on the different categories, please refer to the Summary of Qualifying Activities.

Up to three percent of the CPD filings may be audited each year.

If audited, the CPHR member must provide supporting documents for their CPD activities to the committee within 30 days. The audit process will verify the appropriateness, suitability, and adequacy of the professional development activities listed in the provided documentation.

Anyone involved in reviewing or auditing your professional activities is bound by formal confidentiality agreements.

It is the responsibility of the member to keep track of their professional development and provide proof in the event they are selected for audit.

In our online system, members can view a record of the events attended through CPHR BC & Yukon when they log in to your profile.

There is no cost to report your CPD hours.

CPD hours for each calendar year must be submitted by January 31st of the following year. For example, CPD hours for 2021 must be submitted by January 31, 2022.

You must have your employer send a letter or email outlining the dates of your leave. Once confirmed to be on maternity/paternity or disability leave, your membership will be suspended when your membership renewal comes due until your return to work date.  You will remain a member in good standing with the association during your leave. We encourage members to always try to do the minimum of 10 CPD hours each year even if on a leave of absence for part of the year.

CPHR BC & Yukon’s CPD Standard requires a minimum of 10 hours of professional development hours each year, with a rolling three-year total of 60 hours.

You are required to submit your total CPD hours once per year. CPD hours for each calendar year must be submitted by January 31st of the following year.

To report your CPD hours:

  • Login to your cphrbc.ca member profile
  • Select “My CPD Hours”
  • Under “Annual CPD Hours Totals” click edit
  • Enter total CPD hours.
  • Enter today’s date.
  • Click “Save”.

Two tools are available on the “My CPD Hours” page of your profile to help you keep track of your CPD hours. The Certified Education Hours is a record of your CPHR BC & Yukon event registrations, and Self-Reported Hours is a space for you to manually record your professional development activities outside of CPHR BC & Yukon.

These tools are for your own tracking purposes. Do not submit this information unless you are audited.

Additional Resources

All CPHR designated members are subject to an audit on an annual basis, which is carried out by the Audit Committee up to twice a year. Selection for an audit is randomly based on CPHR ID numbers. If audited, the CPHR member must provide supporting documents for their CPD activities to the committee within 30 days. The audit process will verify the appropriateness, suitability and adequacy of the professional development activities listed in provided documentation.

Audit FAQs

The audit process is a demonstration of our commitment to maintain the highest standard of professional practice of human resources management by CPHR designates. This is the proof of our conviction that the CPHR designation can safeguard the interests of employers, employees, and the general public. We establish the credibility of CPD reporting practices through an independent, verifiable audit process.

Every CPHR member will be subject to audit each year. Exceptions include members on medical leave. For full details, please refer to the full CPD Standard. With the use of software to draw randomly, all CPHR members have an equal chance to be audited. There is no skewing of sampling, or pre-determined criteria in our selection. The random selection concept reconfirms the credibility of an objective, independent process.

Yes. You will receive a letter by email from the Audit Committee advising that you have been randomly selected. You will be contacted to provide documents supporting your CPD hours. You will also be advised of the 30-day timeframe of when the supporting documents are needed.

The required information includes: name of the session or program, date and duration, details of sponsor organization, program description with HR contents specified, completion certificate, and, in some cases, official transcripts. If you do not have these supporting documents at the time of audit, it is your responsibility to obtain them to present to the committee.

You need to keep the supporting documents to professional development activities for each year within the most recent three year reporting period.

Once the Audit Committee receives your supporting documents, these will be reviewed and verified. At the end of the review process, you will receive a communication as to the outcome of the process, usually within 90 days.

The Audit Committee reports the outcome of the review process to the CPHR Registrar at CPHR BC & Yukon. They provide opinion and make recommendations in regards to the CPD hours that are audited. The Audit Committee does not make the final decision relating to the status of any CPHR designation.

You may appeal to the Board of Directors of CPHR BC & Yukon if you disagree with the outcome of the audit process. However, the appeal process does not re-open the contents and sufficiency of verification that has been audited, as the audit process is final. The appeal process may look at new information relating to specific circumstances if it involves revoking the CPHR designation.

Please contact the Registrar.

CPD reporting requirements are unchanged in regard to hourly requirements and qualifying activities from previous years (Minimum of 10 per year and 60 over a three year period).

The 2022 CPD reporting year (all CPD activities between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022) will follow the revised Competency Framework.

A professional member who is granted parental or disability leave from their place of employment or who has retired, may apply for the following types of relief when their membership dues are up for renewal:


CPHR Canada requires that persons holding the Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation must maintain their provincial association membership in good standing. CPHR BC & Yukon members whose membership renewals come due while they are on parental or disability leave from their workplace are encouraged to apply for renewal dues assistance.

Renewal dues assistance only applies when you are renewing your membership. It is designed to assist members for their dues during times when they may not be working full-time in the HR profession. No refunds will be given on already paid dues.

Professional members on leave are asked to report a minimum of 10 CPD hours annually. If you do not have 10 CPD hours, ensure you have a letter from your employer confirming your leave in case you are selected or a CPD audit.

Learn more about renewal dues assistance by downloading the form.

Continuing Professional Development

CPHR Canada requires that CPHR holders maintain the validity of their designation by annually reporting CPD hours. In cases where a professional member is confirmed to be on maternity/paternity or disability leave, members are not required to do professional development activities during their leave.


CPHR Canada allows professional members to convert their designation to a CPHR (Retired) status. This status relieves members from the requirements of paying annual CPHR dues and of recertifying at three year intervals. However, annual membership dues applicable to retired membership status will still be payable. CPHR (Retired) status will only be available to those who have fully retired from human resources practice and no longer actively use their designation for work purposes.

The Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of British Columbia and Yukon (CPHR BC & Yukon) has established recognition and reciprocity standing through a memorandum of understanding with the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) and a mutual recognition agreement with Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) For more info on these agreements visit CPHR Canada.

The Fellow CPHR award is a prestigious honourary award that recognizes members who have made exemplary contributions to the profession. The FCHRP recognizes leadership, outstanding achievement and exceptional contribution to the profession. For more information on the FCPHR.  

CPHR BC & Yukon is excited to partner with BadgeCert to issue digital badges that recognize our CPHR Candidate, CPHRs and FCPHRs. This cutting-edge technology will allow these members to securely share their credentials across the web, on resumes, email signatures and social media outlets to celebrate and validate the CPHR designation. Click here to log in to BadgeCert.

Questions? Please contact cphr@cphrbc.ca.