Get Involved

Looking to connect with HR professionals in BC and the Yukon?

There are a variety of ways to get involved with CPHR BC & Yukon, from sponsorship, to partnerships, to speaking opportunities and much more. Look below for more info on how to get involved with CPHR BC & Yukon.


Annual sponsorship with CPHR BC & Yukon provides your organization with maximum visibility and exposure to the leading HR decision makers across British Columbia and the Yukon. CPHR BC & Yukon has multiple sponsorship opportunities and we can customize a package to meet your needs. Contact us for more information.


CPHR BC & Yukon offers a number of ways to advertise your business services to our 6,800 members plus additional professional leaders active with our association.

Please view Advertising with CPHR BC & Yukon for further details on opportunities to connect via:

  • PeopleTalk Online – Reach members and more with an ad that fits your needs on our HR news site.
  • PeopleTalk magazine – Our official magazine is published 4 times per year and is available in both print & online.
  • Email Blasts – Connect with members and subscribers for maximum exposure.
  • Sponsored Webinars – Educate members in a 60 minute session.
  • Online Newsletters – Place an ad in our online newsletters such as our Professional Development Update or  select/all Regional News.
  • HR Conference & Expo – Place an ad in our conference on-site program or delegate bag.
  • Job Board – Advertise your position to our members with new, streamlined options.
  • Sponsorship – Explore other high-profile opportunities to reach our members.

Contact us for more information.

To advertise in our PeopleTalk Magazine, please contact Angela McDougall for more information.

Become An Industry Partner

CPHR BC & Yukon has more than 50 Industry Partners that work in many different sectors, such as, human resources, education, law, communications, public business, private business and more. For a detailed list on the benefits of being an Industry Partner, visit our membership page. Please contact us become an Industry Partner.

Affinity Partnerships

CPHR BC & Yukon continually strives to provide more benefits to our members. Working with affinity partners allows the association to offer opportunities to save money for you and your organizations.

Interested in becoming an affinity partner? Read the details below and contact us for more information.


As the association representing over 8,500 HR professionals in Western Canada, CPHR BC & Yukon is continually looking at ways to provide added value to its members, whether through the delivery of its priority activities and programs, or through offerings of select products and services relevant to human resources or to the business of people management, with exclusive benefits for CPHR BC & Yukon members. 

To serve its membership, CPHR BC & Yukon will strive to grow the number of partner programs and services it provides, without significantly increasing membership dues. It is important that CPHR BC & Yukon ensure that these partner programs and services are deemed relevant and useful by members. To achieve this, CPHR BC & Yukon will consider developing some select, mutually beneficial partner relationships that may: a) generate revenue for the association by means of a shared revenue agreement and/or b) provide members with an exclusive savings or discount on the product or service provided. Products, programs, and services offered through an Affinity partnership will be promoted to members by the association, and members will be made aware of the exclusive nature of the offering as a benefit of membership. 

Affinity Partnership Framework

CPHR BC & Yukon has developed the following criteria for the development of Affinity Partnerships: 

  1. Relevance of Product, Service or Offering. The products, services or promotions must be highly relevant to the business of HR. 
  2. Membership Value. The partnership should be focused on ‘exclusive’ benefits that are considered highly valuable by CPHR BC & Yukon members and available only through membership with the association. 
  3. Revenue Potential for CPHR BC & Yukon. Revenue-sharing opportunities created through carefully chosen partnerships can enhance the CPHR BC & Yukon’s ability to generate additional revenue while providing value for members. 
  4. Marketing of program to CPHR BC & Yukon Membership. To ensure growth and success of the program, CPHR BC & Yukon expects the partner to commit to a pre-determined marketing plan to ensure ongoing awareness of the offering. The plan will vary with each partner, dependant on budget, and discounts will be negotiated for Affinity Partners. The channels and opportunities available include: stand-alone email blasts, mentions in member newsletters, online logo placement, social media, association magazine advertising and speaking opportunities at members education events.  
  5. Reporting. The partner must have the capability to monitor program participation by CPHR BC & Yukon members and to report regularly to the association on program activity and growth. 

Opportunities and Benefits for Partners 

Opportunities and Benefits for Partners include, but are not limited to: 

  • Potential for market penetration and business growth 
  • Access to a captive base of target customers (8,500+ members) 
  • Endorsement from CPHR BC & Yukon, an association with a strong and established reputation in the HR community 
  • Increased visibility through promotions to both members and the larger business community


Any proposal for Affinity Partnership consideration should outline the following: 

  • Terms for discount/exclusive offerings to members 
  • Specific product or service being offered to members, including pricing 
  • Revenue share percentages, with any requirements and limitations clearly stated 
  • Description of reporting process 
  • Budget available for marketing, promotion and content sharing opportunities.

Proposals will be reviewed by CPHR BC & Yukon’s Senior Director of Business Development. Select members of the association may be consulted at any point during this process to establish relevancy of the product/service, but any specifics related to company name, pricing and revenue agreements will not be shared with members. 

If it is determined that CPHR BC & Yukon sees value in moving ahead with the partnership, we will work with the partner to translate the proposal into either a short-term trial, annual or multi-year agreement. A prospective partner does not become an Affinity Partner until deliverables are agreed upon and a contract is signed by both parties.

Speaking Opportunities 

CPHR BC & Yukon accepts proposals on an ongoing basis from qualified speakers interested in participating in our core professional development program. Proposals can be submitted through our submission form.

Conference speakers are managed separately from our Professional Development speakers and require a different application form. If you are interested in submitting a proposal to be a speaker at the HR Conference & Expo, more information will be available in June of each year, please click here to sign up to receive an email notification when the online speaker submission system opens.

Prior to submitting the online form for our core professional development program, speakers are encouraged to read each of the following sections:

CPHR BC & Yukon provides speakers with the opportunity to:

  • Build their speaking and professional portfolio
  • Submit articles for consideration to PeopleTalk
  • Receive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours
  • Receive constructive feedback on their presentation content through our evaluation process
  • Network with others in the HR community
  • Engage in a collaborative learning experience in which both speakers and participants benefit

CPHR BC & Yukon requests that presenters donate their time and expertise. While CPHR BC & Yukon does not pay honoraria, the association does pay event costs and eligible speaker expenses for the professional development sessions.

Core program content focuses on skill and knowledge building that help grow the capabilities and impact of HR practitioners in BC. Content must be related to the nine functional areas of human resources as outlined in the CPHR Competency Framework.

Proposed content also:

  • addresses a hot topic, current challenge or trend
  • emphasizes the application of strategies and use of tools (i.e.: more tips than theory)
  • uses case studies and real-world examples to illustrate how theory is applied
  • engages the audience in discussion and Q&A’s
  • considers the current state of the economy and of the labour market

Important: CPHR BC & Yukon has a strict policy that presenters do not actively sell their products or services during learning events. Knowledgeable speakers who provide the audience with useable and relevant information will easily pique interest and be asked for further resources.

Please prepare the following required information – note that partially completed submissions cannot be saved in the online submission form.

  • Title and overview (1,000 characters or about 180-200 words)
  • Learning objectives (4 SMART objectives)
  • CPHR Competency Framework (learn more)
  • Target audience description and level (emerging, mid-level, or senior)
  • Speaker name(s), contact information and bio(s) (1,800 characters or about 280 words)
  • Qualification summary(s) (including education, designations, awards, and publications)
  • References (three references; must be able to attest to your expertise on the proposed topic and/or your presentation style and skills)

Preference will be given to members of CPHR BC & Yukon. Become a member!

When you have gathered your information, please proceed to the submission form.

Proposals are selected when:

  • Proposal is completed in full (e.g.: RPC’s, key take-aways’, references)
  • Topics are best match for programming (relevant, current, applicable)
  • Speaker has strong credentials and reputation in area of expertise
  • Past sessions are consistently well rated (where applicable)
  • Sessions adds value to the human resources and business community; supports CPHR BC & Yukon’s vision, mission and mandate

Topics are determined yearly, based on the findings of a comprehensive province-wide learning needs assessment. Programming is thereafter scheduled quarterly.

  • Proposal submissions are reviewed monthly
  • Proposals are considered active for two years from the date of submission
  • Only selected speaker proposals will be contacted for scheduling

CPHR BC & Yukon values diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and we are attuned to the strength and value that DEI brings to our Association at all levels. We are committed to developing and curating events that are inclusive and accessible. We work to include a wide variety of viewpoints and experiences by being intentionally inclusive with our call-outs for speakers, sponsors and volunteers. We know that it is critical that we create events that are inclusive of all people, especially those from communities that have been traditionally marginalized. We invite participation from speakers and presenters of all ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, and sexual orientations to voluntarily share any relevant information about their lived experience or background within their application.